The City of Meridian owns, operates, and maintains multiple groundwater pumping and treatment facilities along with a network of distribution lines and related appurtenances (e.g., fire hydrants and pressure-reducing stations) located throughout the City to produce, treat, and distribute drinking and emergency water. Adequate and safe water supplies are essential for the health and well-being of a community. The City’s Water Division is dedicated to meeting and protecting stringent water quality and regulatory requirements as mandated by the Safe Drinking Water Act.
The Water Division is comprised of multiple sections working together toward the common goal of operating and maintaining the Meridian water system: Production, Field Services, Maintenance, and Backflow/Cross Connection.
The Production team is responsible for the production, treatment, sampling, and regulatory compliance of Meridian’s Drinking Water. This section is our first defense in forecasting water capacity needs and constructing new source water and treatment facilities. The Professional Operators within this section operate complex pumping, treatment, and control systems, along with handling maintenance and repairs of equipment such as pumps, motors, and reservoirs.

Field Services
The Field Services team handles metering and customer service of our utilities. Through precise routing, scheduling, and review, this team of dedicated Operators is responsible to collect, audit, and troubleshoot water usage reads required for billing. They monitor and maintain the City’s network of meters and its read-capturing system, performing repairs, replacements, and installation for new and existing customers as well as handle customer service inquiries for billing concerns and potential leaks.
Meridian has an extensive underground distribution piping network to deliver water for emergency use (to fire hydrants) and meet the water demands of our residents and businesses. The Maintenance Team is responsible for the operation, maintenance, repair, and flushing of this network and its related assets (fire hydrants and pressure-reducing stations). These activities are instrumental in ensuring adequate water flows are available for fire events and that water quality is maintained throughout the system for our customers
Backflow/Cross Connection
Producing and distributing water is pointless if it’s not protected from threats of contamination. This is where our Backflow Prevention Team comes into the picture. Our dedicated Cross Connection Controls Inspectors are responsible for inspecting plumbing and water uses in residential and commercial properties to identify hazards that could negatively impact the Water Distribution System through back pressure, back siphonage, or cross-contamination events. This team is essential in protecting customers’ health and welfare from contaminants such as chemicals and bacteria entering our water system. Protection is accomplished through enforcing compliance in the installation, testing, maintenance, and repair of backflow prevention assemblies.
Learn more by visiting the Backflow page ».

It Starts at Home: Meridian's Water Supply
Learn about Meridian’s drinking water sources, treatment, and distribution in this short video. Your small actions can protect water quality and conserve the water supply.

Phone: 208-888-5242

For utility line locates, please call Digline
at 811 or 1-800-342-1585.

Utility Billing
Phone: 208-888-4439