Last week, I had the honor of joining Fire Chief Blume to celebrate with members of the Meridian Fire Department at the Annual Promotional & Awards Ceremony. The event recognizes the service of our firefighters, administration, and others to the Meridian community and highlights promotions and notable achievements as they work to ensure the safety of every resident in our city.
The ceremony highlighted the department’s excellence by recognizing the milestone years of service of several employees, such as Engineer Brian Zimmermann’s 30th year with the City of Meridian. I administered the oath of office to two captains and one engineer as they took on new roles in the Department. Additionally, several prestigious citations and awards were presented, recognizing those responding to calls for service and those helping behind the scenes to keep Meridian safe.
While several unit citations were given for on-duty responses to challenging calls for service, one of the most notable awards was the Medal of Courage. This award recognizes a member of the Meridian Fire Department who takes action that contributes to the saving of a fellow firefighter's life. Engineer Jordan Williams was recognized for his lifesaving actions while off duty in September when he took action to save a fellow firefighters life. His act is one of several examples of the extraordinary individuals who make up the Meridian Fire Department.
These are just a few examples of the achievements that were celebrated, and the work that the men and women of the Meridian Fire Department do every day is truly remarkable. So, as you go about your day and you hear the sirens of a fire engine in the background, know that those rushing to help are a group that is mission-focused on protecting and enhancing our community through our guiding principles of professionalism and compassion, which is making Meridian a safer place for all of us.
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Mayor Simison