Planning serves as an initial point of contact and ensures that new development, land use changes and designs adhere to federal and state laws, the City’s Comprehensive Plan, specific area plans and City codes.
Land Development ensures that future development can be serviced by public utilities; and Building verifies, through plan review and inspections, that all buildings in the City are safe for occupancy.
Economic Development works to retain, recruit and grow businesses with an emphasis on expanding family-wage jobs and sustaining a diverse economic base.
Doing Business prior to purchasing or leasing property, ensure that your planned business operations are allowed in a prospective location. Check the current zoning map or contact the Department at (208) 884-5533.
Community Development Webpage Feedback

33. E. Broadway Ave. #102
Meridian, Idaho 83642
Monday-Friday, 8:00AM-5:00PM
Phone: 208-887-2211